Tag - drawing

Illustrating Fashion - Using Different Media

Illustrating Fashion – Using Different Media

One of the most important aspects of Illustrating Fashion is the ability to "loosen up." Often a budding designer will freeze up over an important drawing, whether it's for presentation, publication, or just to show to someone else. Spontaneity is lost and any freedom that existed in the private sketchbook suddenly becomes rigid and dull. We can all be a bit...
The Fashion Sketching Process

The Fashion Sketching Process

Fashion sketching not only involves the act of drawing an initial idea but also the process of considering and developing the idea across the pages of a sketchbook. It is always best to have an idea of what you want to draw. This may sound obvious, but fashion sketching should be purposeful, not random or too abstract. In many respects...
Rendering Tools for Fashion Design

Rendering Tools for Fashion Design

The raw material of fashion design is fabric or textiles, terms that denote a multiplicity of beautiful yarns, fibers, colors, textures, smart synthetics, knits, organic cottons, and so on. Once your drawing accurately depicts the silhouette of your fashion design, rendering is the means by which you can convey information about the exciting fabric choices that help to make an...