Fashion trends

Fashion Illustratation - Finding Inspiration

Fashion Illustratation – Finding Inspiration

Inspiration for design themes can be found everywhere, whether your source is a seashell on a beach or a splendid skyscraper, the fun of the fair or the Carnival at Rio. If you research well, your topic will automatically influence your garment ideas; for example, the theme of a circus or fairground is likely to produce a colorful, flamboyant look....
Reasons for Choosing What Clothing to Wear

Reasons for Choosing What Clothing to Wear

You might not realize it, but the clothing you choose meets certain basic needs that all people share. Clothing meets many needs. Some are physical—for comfort, protection, and safety. Clothing covers the body and protects it from the weather, harm, and injury. Other needs are intellectual, emotional, and social. Clothes can communicate lots of information about people and their lives....
Fashion Trends: On, Off, and Adjacent

Fashion Trends: On, Off, and Adjacent

Although fashion trends are no longer dictated, design houses spend a great deal of time and money trying to predict trends and/or set them into motion. Designers looking to find their place in the market must know whether they intend to be on-trend, trend-adjacent, or off-trend altogether. They must consciously decide whether they will lead, follow, or ignore a trend....