Tag - templates

Fashion Designer's Secret Weapon: Fashion Figure Templates

Fashion Figure Templates

Introducing the Fashion Designer's Secret Weapon: Fashion Figure Templates!

Fashion Figure Templates are the ultimate tool to revolutionize your design process and unlock your true potential!

Designed with precision and crafted to perfection, Fashion Figure Templates offer a head start for aspiring designers. Say goodbye to the...
Separating Fashion from Figure Drawing

Separating Fashion from Figure Drawing

Although related, fashion and figure drawing are two different approaches to the same craft. Yes, they both draw the human form, but that’s where the similarities end. The most noticeable difference between the two styles is the fact that fashion drawing depends on exaggeration, and figure...
The Fashion Figure - Croquis

The Fashion Figure – Croquis

Fashion drawings are frequently characterised by gesture and movement, both of which are ideally suited to exploration through drawing the fashion figure from life. Part of a fashion drawing’s allure is its seemingly effortless style, which is sometimes the result of a careful selection of...